


Ajari Technologies

Jakarta Dev HQ

38th Fl Office 88
Casablanca St. Jakarta, Indonesia

Singapore HQ

Central Singapore Community Development Council

Elevate Possibilities
A.I Technology

At Ajari we revolutionizing industries with AI-driven solutions. We set the new standards in efficiency and intelligence to opening new doors to endless opportunities.

Our Technology
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Driven by Data,
Elevated by AI

At Ajari, we stand at the forefront of a world driven by information. Meticulously crafted, our AI technology harness the power of vast datasets, unveiling insights that lead to intelligent decisions. We transform raw data into precise, actionable intelligence, elevating your business to unprecedented levels.

This is the future of innovation-where data and AI converge to create exceptional value. Experience a new standard of excellence with Ajari, where your potential is shaped by data and elevated by AI.


Driving AI Innovation
Excellence Forward

Vision & Mission

At the heart
of our technology,

is a commitment to revolutionizing the way we interact with technology through the power of AI. Our advanced AI solutions are designed to enhance every aspect of your experience, from education to data management, ensuring smarter, more responsive systems tailored to your unique needs.

AI Enhancement


We're dedicated to elevating both education and data management through AI, ensuring systems are smarter and more responsive, whether it's adapting to a student's learning pace or swiftly analyzing complex datasets

Efficiency and Accuracy


Our AI technologies streamline processes across the board, from automating and personalizing learning to providing businesses with precise, actionable data insights, all with unmatched speed and reliability.

System Customization


Tailoring solutions to meet specific needs is our forte, whether it's crafting a unique educational journey for each learner or creating bespoke data management systems that align with individual business goals.

Neural Network Capabilities


We push the boundaries of neural network technology, enhancing its ability to process and interpret data with unmatched efficiency and accuracy. This advancement will serve as the foundation for both our EduTech and Data Management solutions, enabling them to perform at the forefront of innovation.

N.I.S.A (Neural Interactive Systematic Assistant)


  • Personalized Responses
    Offer personalized, insightful responses to queries
  • Advanced Data Analysis
    Provide sophisticated data analysis for informed decision-making.
  • Solving Inefficient Data Retrieval
    Implement AI solutions to streamline data retrieval processes.
  • Analysis : Introduce real-time processing capabilities for immediate data analysis and insights.

AI-Powered Solutions


Develop AI-driven contextual assistance and seamless data integration solutions.

We keep continuous improvement and providing
trusted insights into the Ajari experience.

Delivering Excellence
to Partners & Client

Ir. Iwan Djuniardi, M.M,

Staf Ahli Bidang Peraturan & Penegakan Hukum Pajak KEMENKEU RI

Dengan mengimplementasikan produk AI dari AJARI, seperti LearnXpert dan SeeU, kami berhasil mengatasi hambatan yang sebelumnya ada dalam sistem pemerintahan kami. AI ini memperkuat efektivitas regulasi, meningkatkan pengelolaan dengan lebih sistematis dan efisien.

Dr. Sugeng Haryono

Kepala BPSDM Kementerian Dalam Negeri.

LearnXpert memberikan dampak yang signifikan pada program pelatihan kami. Dengan kemampuannya untuk merangkum dokumen dengan baik, tim kami dapat bekerja dengan lebih efisien. Produk ini telah merevolusi cara kami mengelola dan memberikan pelatihan kepada pegawai, membuat pembelajaran lebih mudah diakses dan relevan,

Tonny Suhartono, S.H,

Kasubag Umum Kejaksaan Agung RI

Implementasi SeeU ke dalam BPSDM telah memberikan perubahan signifikan dalam pekerjaan kami. Produk ini juga memudahkan kamu melakukan berbagai kegiatan seperti notulensi hingga penerjemahan bahasa yang cepat dan juga baik. Sehingga produk ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas pengembangan keterampilan di lembaga kami.